Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week 2                                      FlexWatch

FlexWatch started with a mission. 10 colors, 10 charities, 10% profits to a cause.That where it all began and now more ranging all the way from autism, to breast cancer. FlexWatch was started by a guy who had lost his mom to breast cancer and wanted to make a difference in other peoples lives who might be going through the same problems. It is more than a product, there is a story behind every person wearing one and also brings awareness to these horrendous tragedies that many of us are faced with day to day. I became antiquated with FlexWatch from watching a show on CNBC called, "the Partner". What I soon found out was that not a whole lot of people know about it(despite having 40k followers on Instagram, it is still early in the company) so when I looked to see what people had to say about it the first place I went was Facebook because that's the only social media I use in my personal life and, It was tough to find some chatter about it but when I did, there was nothing but positive things to say. Their lack of presence is evident when it comes to Facebook but on Twitter(16k following) and Instagram, the crowd is there.
One thing that I would do as brand manager is get this product more brand awareness on Facebook and faster on twiter. I would dump money into social media for one. Maybe run an ad for a short period and work on getting more people to talking about FlexWatch.

To be said about FlexWatch:

1.)" I Love My White watch it's amazing I get a lot of a compliments when I wear it. In addition I also brag about how FlexWatch give 10% to different causes"

2.) "So I just purchased my @FlexWatches ⌚️ for #autismawarenessmonth I can't wait for it to come in. Thanks @marcuslemonis and Flex!!

3.)Love my anti bullying mini. It's an eye catcher and when I receive compliments it affords an opportunity for discussion about the subject. The design is lovely and the band is soft and flexible

I love the watch thank you



Monster Energy

Monster Energy. Whats the first thing that comes to mind? Monster Energy girls at the podiums? Helping winning teams celebrate winning?Extreme sports? Tasty drink? NASCAR? Yup, NASCAR. NASCAR had awarded Monster Energy with the Gem award, which honors brand of the year. Monster has always tried to stand out where it be crazy sponsored drivers racing through third world country cities, or sponsoring crazy extreme sports(which Redbull soon took over). I dont believe that they have many issues in their marketing department. They seem to be doing everything right. Huge social media following, advertisements in every corner, and now sponsoring major NASCAR events, are growing the company larger and larger. As if they weren't big enough. But they're major competitor, Redbull, is trying to compete with all the extreme sport they are getting involved in as well. So keeping up with their competitors will be the biggest challenge.They need to try and stand out and that's what their value proposition is. Be bold, be different, be risky, be remarkable. Monster prides themselves with the events they sponsor and it shows.I have learned that just because a lot of people have found something that works doesn't mean, that I wont benefit by stepping out of the box and doing something different.  


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